Useful ways to rejuvenate the skin around the eyes

tightening the skin around the eyes for rejuvenation

The eyes are the windows of the soul. However, they not only reflect your soul, but they are also a reflection of your health. Usually the area near your eyes betrays your fatigue, sleepless nights and the way you spend your time. So it doesn’t hurt to know a few helpful ways to restore youthfulness to the skin around your eyes.

Your eyes do not only depend on your inner emotions and experiences, but they are also very sensitive to the environment. Therefore, attention should be paid to such harmful factors as the number of hours spent on a computer or mobile phone. Artificial light is also very harmful to the eyes. Here are some tips to restore beauty and strength to your eyes.

What problems most often threaten your eyes?

a woman with rejuvenated skin around her eyes
  • Tired and relaxed eyelids. Anything can happen. One day you wake up in the morning and your eyes are very swollen and sore. A sleepless night or inadequate fluid intake can cause it to accumulate in the eyelids. Age can also be the reason why your eyes sometimes swell.
  • Crow's feet. These are tiny wrinkles that appear along the contour of your eyes when you smile or express your emotions vividly. They begin to appear when the skin has already lost its elasticity. However, genetic predisposition and sunlight also contribute to the appearance of such wrinkles, but fortunately they can be treated.
  • Dark circles under the eyes. Everyone has them. These bags of dark or purple shades appear under the eyes. They are the result of fatigue, lack of sleep, illness or even emotional problems.
  • Bags. Probably everyone hates those horrible bags under their eyes. They are caused by hormonal changes or fluid accumulation. They distort your face and leave a noticeable impression of fatigue on it.
  • Dullness. Fatigue, eye problems, the passage of time, insufficient frequency of blinking are just some of the reasons that can lead to dullness. But that can be overcome.

Means to combat wrinkles around the eyes

egg white to rejuvenate the skin around the eyes
  • Egg whites: You may be surprised, but egg whites are known for their rejuvenating and moisturizing properties. Not only will it tighten sagging skin, but it will also overcome lines of expression. To work, simply take the egg whites of one egg and apply to the skin around the eyes and massage gently. Repeat the procedure every morning and you will notice that your skin tightens and wrinkles disappear.
  • Avocado: A source of vitamin E and fatty acids, an excellent moisturizer and neutralizes free radicals. Just take the pulp of one avocado, mash with a spoon and apply 15 minutes before bed. Then rinse with cold water.
  • Cucumber: This is the most famous and most effective medicine. Cucumber is rich in vitamin C and caffeic acid. Stimulates the production of new skin cells and moisturizes the skin. Put a slice of cucumber on each eye or simply whisk half the cucumber in a blender and make a small paste that you will apply on the eyes for 15 minutes. You will notice that your eyes look fresher and healthier.

Treatments for dark circles and bags under the eyes

rose petals to rejuvenate the skin around the eyes
  • Chamomile: This is a very well known remedy. Chamomile has excellent anti-inflammatory and soothing properties that stimulate blood flow to the eye area and prevent fluid retention. Fill with two bags of chamomile tea. Once the tea has cooled, soak two cotton pads in it and put it on your eyes for 15 minutes. This will definitely help you.
  • Cucumber and milk. This mixture is great for restoring blood circulation and detoxifying bags or black circles under the eyes. Easy to cook. Put half a glass of milk in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Once cool, soak two slices of cucumber in milk and then place them over your eyes. The result is visible immediately.
  • A remedy from rose petals. Another good choice for dealing with bags or dark circles under the eyes. To prepare, take 8 or 9 rose petals, put in a jar and add 4 tablespoons of almond oil. Soak the mixture during the day in a dark place protected from sunlight. The next day, use a cotton ball to massage the area around the eyes with this mixture. This is a very pleasant and efficient way.

Massage to combat eye fatigue

skin massage around the eyes for rejuvenation

This massage will help you rejuvenate your eyes and make them much healthier. This method will help restore blood circulation, tone the eyes and skin, and thus give your eyes expression and vitality.

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly and apply one of the above products. You can also use egg white, or avocado or cucumber cream. Start by massaging the area under the eyes and working in a circular motion towards the eyelids and then the eyebrows. Always massage in a circular motion.
  2. Now press the nose bypass with your thumb and forefinger. Place your fingers between both nasolacrimal canals and make small circular motions with both fingers. This will restore blood circulation.
  3. Then gently grab the eyelids and pull gently. Give another circular massage to each eyelid.
  4. With your middle finger, gently touch the area surrounding the bags under your eyes.
  5. Finally, to rest your eyes, cover them with your palm for a minute.
  6. Repeat these procedures 3 times.